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These worksheets could be useful to anyone who writes and cares about the way it looks. However, ideal for someone who always has to write fast for some reason. Because it helps to develop a functional writing style that is easy, legible and fast.

This could be also an amazing opportunity to try Goodnotes marketplace if you never purchased something from it yet.

Why I made these worksheets available in Goodnotes marketplace?

Goodnotes has become a prominent place for many people who take notes and journal digitally.

It’s a whole new learning curve if you just switched to digital. This also means that you’ll have to learn to write properly again particularly on iPad this time.

In order to keep up with class/be efficient with note-taking or reflect their thoughts truly while journaling, people have to write reasonably fast. This does affect your handwriting a lot, sometimes to the point that it’s not even legible.

You can’t let go of the practice part if you want to get better at it. However, practicing for the same could be a little tricky if you do it on your own. Our brain can focus on only either thing.

This is where these sheets come in handy. They allow you to practice neatness and speed at once and you can keep doing it over and over again until it has affected your muscle memory.

Haven’t heard from Goodnotes yet after submitting their form to join as a creator in the Goodnotes marketplace. Till then you can learn more about the practice sheets here on Etsy.